نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Bangchui Island
Bangchuidao Scenic Area affordable China tours(Bangchuidao fengjingqu) is located at the eastern end of the beach road, a short drive along Binhai Lu, home to Numerous Party Members and Football stars. The northern side of the area is encompassed by mountain ranges and the southern stretch is an area of pretty, soft sand. From here, there are good views of Sanshan Island, which is often shrouded in mist. The beach here was once reserved only for Party Members and stars, but today it is open to the public.

Fujiazhuang Beach:
Fujiazhuang Beach (Fujiazhuang fengjingqu) is arguably Dalian's nicest beach, most famous for its 550-meter-long stretch of golden sands and the turquoise sea lapping against the shore. The slightly more remote location makes this a more secluded and less developed beach than many other that Dalian has to offer. There are speed boats from here to other bays in the area and a few hotels and villas are currently under construction, in response to the increased numbers of travelers and sun- seekers. Get there before it becomes too popular!!

Polar Aquarium:
A trip to polar regions shall be an unimaginable experience to average people, yet coming visitors here to the Polar Aquarium China travel guide find themselves in a crystal ice-snow world anytime of the year. The aquarium was opened in 2002, animals both from the south polar and the north polar regions, including polar bears, penguins, polar belugas and sea elephants share neighborhood here. Altogether the aquarium has 11 species of 153 polar animals and it also boasts of 3,000 fish. Standing in a 360o channel one seems to live together with the multitude of fish. A showcase of 300-odd sharks and performances by dolphins also deserve high recommendations as well. In the sea animal section, one can touch fur seals, sea dogs, and sea lions. It is currently the largest polar aquarium in the world.

Xinghai Park
It is located by the sea, Xinghai Park top China tours and beach comprises of an 800-meter-long beach and a huge park area, filled with a nice collection of flowers and plants, a small fair and a huge Ocean World. You can climb up to the top of the cliffs that tower above the western and eastern sides of the bay and there are fantastic views from up here of the bay and sea beyond. The beach here has fine sand, moderate waves and a good water depth- making it ideal for swimming. Not far from the beach stands a huge rock in the sea  which, according to local legend, marks the spot where an army of cuttle fish triumphed against sharks in a major ancient combat.   Local people believe that the area will never again be troubled by sharks, and consider this spot very safe for swimming- believe the local legend if you dare!! The park itself, is another ball-game altogether; with a Ferris wheel, rides and restaurants. Sun Asia Ocean World is also located here, a huge Chinese, New Zealand and Hong Kong run venture, featuring more than 200 different types of marine life, complete with viewing platforms and underground tunnels.

Zhongshan Square
Zhongshan Square is situated in what would be the tiger's eye if we see the entire Liaodong peninsula as resembling a tiger's head. The major theme and activity here is music and this 22,000 sq meter square is fitted with world class audio systems and strong powered speakers. In the evenings, crowds gather here to dance. Opera performances, plays and concerts are common too. The square is surrounded by European style architecture. Many of these buildings were built by the Russians before the the end of the Russo-Japanese war. The skyline behind the old buildings is dominated by modern skyscrapers, a symbol of the future of this vibrant city.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 30 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

The Daxingshan Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in China. It was built during the Western Jin Dynasty (265-316). During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Buddhism prevailed widely in Changan, Xian tours Xian City's earlier name. Many Indian monks stayed there to translate the sutras and spread the Buddhist doctrines. Over time, the Daxingshan Temple became one of three temples especially used for translating sutras. The other two are Cien Temple and Jianfu Temple.

Many Indian monks like Na Lian Qi Li Ye She, Zhe Na Jue Duo and Da Me Ji Duo translated Buddhist scriptures and passed on the teachings of the Buddhist 'Mizong'sect here after they came to Changan at different times. As a result this temple became the birth place of China's Mizong sect.

The present-day Daxingshan Temple Xian tourist attractions is the result of large-scale restorations in 1955 and 1983. After its reconstruction in 1956 it was used by Community of Lamaist monks until the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). Today it houses the Xian Buddhist Association.

Inside the temple, Qing-style architecture is found predominant which includes Mountain Gate, Devajara Hall (Hall of the Heavenly Kings), Mahavira Hall (Daxiongbaodian), Bell and Drum Towers, Kwan-yin Palace and many other halls in which Buddhist followers can pray.

As one enters the Mountain Gate, the Bell and Drum towers can be seen on either side. A wood-carved Maitreva statue from the Song Dynasty stands in the middle of the Devajara Hall, with four Heavenly Kings flanking it. On walking into the Kwan-yin Palace, a sandalwood-made, thousand-hand Kwan-yin statue is sure to surprise you! During some of the Buddhist festivals, the temple is crowded with believers.

The Daxingshan temple is situated in the suburbs south of Xian. The Temple and its surroundings today have been developed into a park temple and are open to tourists and visitors.

tags: travel to Xian | China tourism

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 26 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Changqing Nature Reserve is located in the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province, 300 km south of Xi 'An Xian travel guide. The reserve, which reaches elevations of over 3000m, is one of the most important ecological areas in China. It provides one of the best and last remaining places where Giant Pandas, Golden Takin, Golden Monkeys and Crested Ibis can be found in the wild. It is also home to 39 other threatened animals and 31 threatened plants.

Not only does the area offer stunning mountain landscapes and the chance to view wildlife, it also contains a number of cultural sites, including the Han Dynasty Tangluo Trail, remains of ancient temples, shrines and roads.

The whole tourist site affordable China tours covers an area of ten thousand hectares. At present, it has already passed the registration approve of international tourist organization for “Green World 21”, and has joined the organization of “Relationship between Human Beings and Ecosphere in China”. Because of its unique geographical location and ecological environment in forests, the reserve has nourished “ecology resources” with unique and diverse species, especially famous are the “Four National Treasures”---giant panda, golden-haired monkey, takin, and Zhuhuan. In particular, the national treasure giant pandas are densely distributed in the reserve. There are over 100 giant pandas. The possibility of seeing one is over 50%. Brown and white pandas have been found many times. The specific forest vegetation surroundings make the whether in the reserve pleasant, the air fresh, dust scarce, noise low, oxygen and minus ion rich, therefore it is a natural source of oxygen and provides tourists with an ideal place for recreation, summer resort, recuperation and health care. “Sunny days are like rainy days in the vagueness, and summer is like autumn in the coolness”. The views in Changqing Nature Reserve are characterized by its loftiness, coldness, grotesqueness, adventurousness, and picturesqueness, making it a place with unique ecological surroundings. Tourists can see green virgin forests, relaxed giant panda under trees, sparrow singing and flying in the forests, golden-faired monkey swiftly climbing trees, as well as high mountains, meadows, floating fountain, flying waterfall, red leaves in golden autumn, sunrise on the peaks of mountains, boundless mountains and sea of clouds. At present, the reserve has opened three tourist sites, namely, Yang ditch, Cang’er Rock top China tours, and Shanwang Temple. Tourists can watch Zhuhuan spreading their wings to fly at the rest house of Huayang Reservation Station at dawn and dusk in spring, summer and autumn. In age-old Huayang town, tourists can see ancient flagstone street with southern Shaanxi characteristics, old drama house, bamboo woods, small bridge, tile house, and so on. In addition, there are relics like the twenty-fifth headquarter during the long march, as well as fascinating legends. Tourist can enjoy natural beauty in the tourist sites and the changing state of plants in subtropical and warm-temperate climatic features, have a rest in pine wood garden, phoenix booth, and etc., see birds like red-abdomen bright and beautiful chicken, pheasant, white-coronal tranquil pheasant, red-mouth blue magpie, yellow-rear bird, green-mouth bird, and so on. Tourists can also view vertical strap of typical forests in southern slop of Qin Mountains, and also the main food of giant panda wooden bamboo in Bashan and arrow bamboo in Qin Mountains with distributional patterns with different altitudes. If you are lucky enough, not only can you see bamboo woods hermit giant panda in the tourist sites, but also various wild animals like strong and vigorous takin.

Changqing Reserve is one of the best places for birding in the Shaanxi Province, and it has 154 species of birds living within its boundaries, 17 of which are endangered. A further 176 species, 13 endangered, are found in the rural area just outside the Reserve. Some species that can be seen in the reserve and surrounding rural landscape include the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus, blood pheasant Ithaginis cruentus, Temminck's tragopan Tragopan temminckii, Chinese bamboo partridge Bambusicola thoracica, sooty tit Aegithalos fuliginosus, vinaceous rosefinch Carpodacus vinaceus, laughing thrushes, parrotbills, collared finchbill Spizixos semitorques, and the crested ibis Nipponia nippon, which can be seen both in the wild at Changqing and at a captive breeding centre in Yangxian County.

In 2004 Changqing Reserve undertook a number of conservation-based community development programs, supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The Reserve organised community patrol and anti-hunting units, and provided them with uniforms and GPS receivers for increased effectiveness at decreasing poaching. These units patrol the community forest to help conserve the giant panda habitat. In two of the local villages, the Reserve set up grain and medicinal herb process factories. All of the profits from the factories go to the patrol units.

Changqing Reserve popular China travel package has also provided small-scale loans to the community villages to cultivate Manchurian trout and Chinese medicinal herbs. The Reserve has built a clinic and fuel-saving stoves in the local villages. It has also helped the villages around the Reserve to restore bamboo and conifer forests in areas which were previously farmed.

These measures have helped to reduce commercial and illegal logging and hunting by introducing income-generating activities that do not destroy Giant Panda habitat.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 23 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Dongguan Mosque sits on the south side of Dongguan Street of Xining City, Qinghai Province affordable China travel packages. It is a religious place for ten thousand Muslims in Xining City. It is the largest scaled and the most ancient mosque in Qinghai Province, and is one of the famous four mosques in southwest of China. Dongguan Mosque was first built in 1380 of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Dongguan Mosque has ruined for several times in China history, and current mosque surviving was reconstructed in 1913.

Architecture Style

With a history of 600 years, Dongguan Mosque top 10 China tours has a style combining classical architecture style and ethnic style. It is a Moslem building integrating tower, wall and hall as a whole. With the total area of 13,602 square meters, Dongguan Mosque is not only a religious activity place for Muslim, but is the highest Islamic Institute, which has a good reputation at home and abroad.

Praying Hall

Praying Hall is the largest building in Dongguan Mosque that takes an area of 1,102 square meters. It can hold 3,000 followers to pray at the same time. Praying Hall has a half-timbered structure. With the roof glazed tile covered, there is a glittering gold plating aquarius in Tibetan style decorated on the top. It was said that it was presented by monks of Labrang Temple (a famous Gelug Tibetan Buddhism in Gansu Province Silk Road tour ), which is unique in China’s mosques.

Other Buildings

There are two two-layer buildings with saddle roof on the both sides of Praying Hall. These three buildings link closely form the main body of Dongguan Mosque. There is a huge square with an area of 28 thousand square meters in the front of Praying Hall, which is paved by bluestone slates in various shapes. The whole building features upturned eave, arched door, carved beams and painted rafter, which is very splendid.

Main Gate

Outside the square are three front gates (the former main gate of Dongguan Mosque) in western style, which are built by large granite, about 10 meters high and 21 meters wide. There are two towering minarets standing on the both sides of huge gates with two small prayer wheels decorated on the top of minarets.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 21 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Anyuan Temple is commonly referred to as “Ili Temple”, and is one of the famous Eight Outer Temples. It was built in 1764, and was imitation of Guerzha Temple in the north bank of the Ili River, Xinjiang Autonomous Region Silk Road tours. Guerzha Temple was the largest-sized temple in Khalkha District, but it was fired by ethnic separatists. After putting down the rebellion, meritorious Dashidava Tribe all was moved to Rehe Province (it has been repealed in 1955, nowadays in Hebei Province.). Taking account of providing a Buddhist place for Dashidava Tribe, the Emperor Qianlong decreed to build a temple named Anyuan Temple.

Layout of Anyuan Temple

Anyuan Temple has an area of 26,000?. Architectures and its scale in Anyuan Temple are not taller and less grandiose than other temples, but it completely breaks traditional architecture layout with sitting in the north and facing to the south. The temple China travel dealsis divided into three courtyards.

Temple gate

On the upper of arch gate hangs a tablet with characters of Temple gate in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan, which was written by the emperor Qianlong (1711-1799 A.D.) in Qing Dynasty.

Attached halls in the south and north

Entering into the gate, a wide space is in front of you and there are ten attached halls on each side in the south and north. Now they are worked as the showrooms. Here keeps the pedigree of Dashidava tribe and the roadmap of Dashidava tribe to move to the Rehe Province top 10 China tour packages.

The first and second courtyards are separated by a gate with the combination of Han and Tibet architecture style. The last courtyard is composed of 70 single-layer houses around, which is regular corridor style in Tibetan Buddhism temples.

Pudu Hall

“Pudu Hall” is the main building in Anyuan Temple, and it is a three-layer attic with 27 meters high. Because it is square-shaped, it also has another name “Square Pavilion”. There is a tablet with characters of Pudu Hall in Chinese,Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan hanging under the eave written by the emperor Qianlong. Unlike most imperial temples with roof covered by yellow glaze tiles, the top roof of Pudu Hall is covered by black and ocher glaze tiles, which is a big feature.

The ground floor enshrines the wooden statue of Green Tara standing thoughtfully on the lotus base. Green Tara is most common Goddess in Tibetan Buddhism. It is said that Green Tara was the reincarnation of Goddess of Mercy, and enshrining it could get rid of fears.

The second floor has statues of Sukhavati Trinity and six Bodhisattvas. The walls in three layers are covered by murals that describe the Buddhist stories originated from Qing Dynasty.

The statue of Yamantaka Vajrabhairava is on the third floor. It has nine bull’s heads, 34 arms and 16 legs, with kinds of ritual implement in hands and necklace made of skeleton hanging on its neck, and the surrendered devils are treaded under its feet, which looks very awful.

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 20 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

As a magnificent ground temple, Subashi Ancient City is located in the Taklamakan Desert, about 23 kilometers to the northeast of Kuqa Silk Road tour. There are halls, pagoda, monastery room and residual walls in the site. The city is divided into two parts by the Kuqa River, including the East Temple and the West Temple. Although weathered in the wind and ran for thousands of years, the magnificent and flourish can still be imagined according to the ruins. It was listed as a national cultural relic protection unit.


Known as the famous women’s land in ancient times, Subashi Ancient City China tour deals was built near mountains and with an area of about 5,000 square meters. Although experienced the vicissitudes of life, the castle pier, beacon tower, city walls can still be seen. When you are there, it’s not difficult to image the grand of the ancient country.

The temple of Subashi was built in Weijin period (220-581) and splendid in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907). The ‘Journey to the Western Regions’s written by the eminent monk Hsuan in Tang Dynasty (608-907) has recorded the flourish of the city. In the middle of the 7th century, many monks are gathered here to preach. The Buddhism was declined in the late of the 9th century, so did the Subashi Ancient City. It was abandoned in the 13th century finally. The city was partly excavated by the Japanese archaeologist Count Otani in 1902. Only three walls were existed incompletely and the west wall has no trace to be found.

Relics Excavated From the Site

Many relics top China tours were excavated from this site, such as the stone vessel, bone tools, wuzhuqian and pithos. Among which, the most valuable one is the sutra written in Suoluomi. Most of them are written on the birch bark. When it was found in 1890, it was startled the world. It is of great importance in the study of the culture in the western region. A sarira, a Buddhist relic box of the 6th-7th century drawn with dance pictures were discovered in 1903.

Three pagodas are left in the east temple of Subashi Ancient City. While, in the west temple, a large scale hall and a square pagoda are preserved relatively well. The square hall is about ten meters tall and served as the symbol of Subashi Ancient City. Three is a ladder for people to climb on the top of the pagoda to overlook the panorama of the ancient city. Although the city is abounded, the remains of the city can reflect the brilliance of the temple.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 16 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

It is Dragon boat festival in china last year when I decide to have a short hiking beside the West Lake of Hangzhou city last minute China travel deals with my best friend, Joann, Though we know the place well, but we always didn’t have time to get there for hiking around the whole Lake,

It is a sunny day with bright sunshine, so I take a big cup of green tea, Start from our department, we walked about 15minutes,then we have seen the Bai Causeway ,a famous place in China history about a love story bettwen a fairy maiden and a man.
There is a picture where you can see the Bai Causeway in the middle of our hands. The left is mine, and the right is Joann, we have built the warmest friendship ,but we are separating now.

I love the April in Hangzhou best tours of China, as all kinds of plants grow up very well. You wlill never be down if you see all the living things are striving for sunshine .If you come to Hangzhou in summer ,you will see the Lake covered with shining water lilies. It must be very nice.

The Hangzhou library is also lacated on the road near the West Lake.. I think some old things are interesting though they seemed normal.

Specially, I pay a attention to some tea pots. It looks simple and can’t catch your eyes at first sight, but after you have known the process of making idea, designing, thick mud production, Crude embryo, and shaped., I think you will be intersed in it.

Then, we come out from library and walk foreward.During a travel popular China tours, we always meet many strangers, we may guess who she/he is, where she/he come from, what happened to her/him before..When we do guess and enjoy, others do the same things too. We meet in the orther places, and we apart in here even without one word.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 15 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

After have a rest for one night, we rent a car driving toward to western district of Dunhuang Silk Road travel. During visiting Mishan Hill and Crescent Spring, a harmonious atmosphere between driver Wang and us. It is not in accord with the website which described local drives drop tourists to farmer houses for getting commission, Driver wang is earnest man. Before this excursion, we just show our mind to the driver that he can not accept those restaurants and he get agreement with him. In fact, we don’t think it has delicious cuisine on this way, no better than taste after back to the night market of Dunhuang city with less and fair money.

The funny thing is we have chance to try the local characteristic drink-Apricot skin water that Driver Wang prepared well in advance and store in the refrigerator at home, the water just like a cool clear spring “pour into” this torrid days. Apricot skin water can be bought in many cities of Gansun province , but t the water we drink in these several places are the best and purest because Liguang Apricot is specialty of Dunhuang city.

Dunhuang ancient city last minute China travel deals is located at western direction and not far away from Dunhuang city, a short distance by car driving.

We are thinking whether and how many visiting value of this place, and asking driver wang what king of buildings inside, but no reply from him. But the ticket counter explained to us there are buildings of Ming and Qing dynasty, entrance fee is about RMB40 per person. Anyway, just go inside and take a look.

Viewing on the gate tower, it does have a scale of an ancient city except city wall is a bit low. These buildings inside are truly are Chinese ancient time, just we don’t know from which emperor.

Waling among these buildings, everywhere is a view of scene, similar with the gardens in the region south of the Yangtze River Yangtze River tour but lack of magnificent of northern cities.

This stele explains the ins and outs of this ancient city. We spent more than 1 hour to visit this studio, it won’t be too boring because this is the first style we visit. But we won’t choose visit such studio if pass by again in the future.

The difference between the studio and real ancient town is you get to know this is the ancient style architectures but you don’t know they are in which dynasty and when because these buildings have no fixed characteristics which only be built by multifarious filming scene in the studio.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 14 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Many people go to Xiamen in Fujian to enjoy the romantic Gulangyu Island China vacation deals, but I think that Xiamen itself is more worth carefully taste. The city is like a small island, with a few sea-crossing bridges connecting with the mainland; Gulangyu Island is a smaller island just located in the southwest corner of it.

Many cities are directly paved floor tile in the pedestrian street, however, the Zhongshan Road is still kept that the middle is the road and on both sides are the arcade-houses. Whether specially reserved or for practical use, thus empty road lets a person feel comfortable.

These arcade-houses can shade the sunshine and stop the rain, tourists will not fear of attacks from behind while shopping in the street top China tours. On both sides of the road's construction have strong Southeast Asia amorous feelings; pink and opal is mass-tone attune, bringing pure and fresh and sweet flavor. Walking slowly in this street, you can feel a little romance.

Xiamen is one of the earliest foreign open port areas in Chinese History. It is influenced by a variety of foreign cultures; the most obvious is the embodiment of the architectural style. Here, Chinese and western styles, have extremely distinguishing feature. It tastes just as popular oolong tea, both has the Chinese green tea's fragrance, and western black tea's mellow and thick; tasteful, pure and fresh; has a style of its own.

Or, here, there are the old gate memorial arches which Zheng Chenggong once training horse race passed; there is Jukou Street popular China tour package which once had Gunpowder Bureau, antique porcelain shops, teahouses, traditional Chinese painting mounted lane; there are simple and unsophisticated sculptures which stands for the traditional tea culture in southern Fujian; also, there is touch screen coupons printer; various shops with most modern design sense and so on.

The roadside coffee seats, Zhangsanfeng Milk Tea, Miss Zhao's Shop, are full of petty bourgeoisie taste. The traditional food is no weakness; the Huangzehe's peanuts soup, Xiamen's famous snacks, the home cooking in the lane, also are very attractive.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 9 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

If there is a fairy land in the world, IT IS Jiuzhaigou Valley affordable China tours. Even the winter season, Jiuzhaigou is still in fantastic scenery with the crystal lakes, the “white carpet”, the shining glaciers, etc.

Do disturb of the noisy world, Jiuzhaigou Valley is Sichuan province is extremely beautiful without any word to describe. And the elf of this land is the lake. There is one sentence says “No mountain can as magnificent as the Mt. Huangshan, and no lake can as charming as the Jiuzhaigou Valley”.

In winter days, Jiuzhaigou Valley is extremely quiet. People who come in this time may have strong feelings of the fairy land atmosphere. Mountains and forests are covered by snow, waterfalls and lakes top 10 China tours are crystal, and the glacier layer on the blue lakes reflects different colors in one day which is caused by the sun light. River is still flowing which more like a melody is played by the nature.

It is worth to visit Jiuzhaigou Valley in the winter, if you are not afraid of the coldness. Not all the places in Jiuzhaigou are covered by snow. Below the line of the snow scenes, forests are still wearing the autumn dressing. Red maples, green pines, golden birch trees and the white clouds in the blue sky, it is more like a masterpiece of a famous painter. Different altitudes cause different colors, Jiuzhaigou is always changing.

Early winter in Jiuzhaigou Valley is not the coldest period. Temperature is around -5 - 10℃.Lakes are still carrying different colors based on different materials in the water. The Shuzheng Valley which is in an altitude around 2,250m is still in green and blue, while Rize Valley which is in an altitude around 2,660m is in its half frozen half water scenery.

1. The air in Jiuzhaigou Valley popular China tour package in winter days is fresh while cold. Besides, Long Lake and Panda Lake, other lakes are not frozen.

Tips for travel to Jiuzhaigou Valley in Winter days:
When travel inside Jiuzhaigou Valley in winter, recommended to take the sightseeing bus. Firstly, because the thick snow layer may cause a bad hiking situation. And the road in Rize Valley is frozen, for safety issue, taking the bus will be better.

About twice-time enter into Jiuzhaigou in winter. It is not necessary to enter into Jiuzhaigou twice in winter. Also because of the safety consideration, many areas inside the scenic area are closed.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 8 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Old words said, ‘Firecracker for New Year’s Eve and lantern for Lantern Festival.’ It was another Lantern Festival China vacation deals. We would have glue puddings and watch lanterns in the evening. The Lantern Festival of this year was also very lively with full of lanterns and blaze. Seen from far away, it wasn’t second to Chinese ancient lantern festival and everyone enjoyed it.

The Lantern Festival for this year in Shanghai Chenghuangmiao is pretty sublime. People from all quarters got together for appreciating the bright flower lamps. Many colorful lanterns hung on antique cornice. There were snake-like lanterns, mandarin duck-like lanterns, goose-like lanterns, and many other interesting styles lanterns. Therefore, this year’s lantern show attracted quite a few children to come. Some of them held their mum’s hand, or sat on their dad’s shoulder to stroll in the street best tours of China. Looking their happiness shown on their faces, I felt back to my childhood and got thoroughly delighted.

Following the crowds, we came to the Bridge of Nine Turnings in the Old Street, one of the most famous spot of Chenghuangmiao. Quietly, I leaned against the railing and found many fairy-styled lanterns floating on the stream. Seen from far away, they were as natural as though they were living. Passing the bridge, we saw a narrow alley full of red lanterns, which gave us an amazing world. Wandering here, pavilions, terraces and open halls, painted beams and carved pillars, in a space with so many lanterns, as if to be far from the madding crowd.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 7 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

It is the time for cherry blossom in Wuxi affordable China tours. Every year during this moment, it is exciting for me. A trip to Wuxi Taihu Lake for the cherry blossom is the plan of this weekend.

How to plan a great weekend trip to Wuxi for the cherry blossom? I finally made out a plan covered not only cherry blossom but also a visit to an ancient town.

Itinerary summary:
Day 1: After a good sleep, self-driving to an ancient town named Dangkou. It is a lovely ancient town with fewer visitors and more beautiful scenery. Spending a half day there and then continue to drive to Wuxi and stay overnight there.

Day 2: After a good sleep again to avoid the crowded situation in the morning. Start to appreciate cherry blossom in Wuxi Yuantouzhu scenic area in the afternoon. During the evening, seeing sunset scenery in Taihu Lake top 10 China tours area.

Dangkou Ancient Town
Dangkou Ancient Town is located in Wuxi area but not a famous one as the Wuzhen or Zhouzhuang. I have known this place from my photography friends.
Transportation: Dangkou Ancient Town is not far from Zhangjiagang, about 40km away. The ideal method to get there is self-driving. The detailed route is easy to be found: the E’hu Exit of S19 Expressway
Introduction: Dangkou, also can be called as Dingshe or Dingcun is named because of its location – inside Naqingdang and E’hu. Inside Dangkou, there are many ancient relics such as old coffin home, nanmu hall, former residence of Hua Hengfang, etc.. Nowadays, Dangkou is in the preservation and renovation period.

Detailed itinerary:
On a fine weekend of the early spring of 2014, I began my China trip to Dangkou Ancient Town. Together with my friends and self-driving from Zhangjiagang. After a half an hour, we finally arrived in this town.

or people who have been to many ancient towns, in general idea, an ancient town is not in a large-scale, and no need to speed more than half a day there. For these ancient towns, you may lost most of the memory and tell your friends that is a boring place. Maybe you will also have the same feeling of Dangkou town, because it is similar with Wuzhen or Xitang as well. But for me, Dangkou is a charming place.

In the second day, we continued our plan to Yuantouzhu scenic area. It was closed from Wuxi city to the scenic area.
Tips: it was inconvenient to find a parking room, so better to choose public transportation to there.

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:: برچسب‌ها: china travel ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 275
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 6 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Without too much saying, the night view of Shanghai Bund China tour deals will be one of the must-see scenes.It may be a picture impressed in our mind lasting for the whole life of us.

With the decades of years past, the Bund of Shanghai is still regarded as the symbol of Shanghai. The charming views of romantic legends of the Bund have been passed by generations

May be few people knowing the official name of the Bund – First Road of East Zhongshan Avenue. The total length of it is about 1.5 km. Facing the Huangpu River on one side, and decorated with 52 buildings in Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque, and Oriental-Western Mixture architectural styles, the Bund is reputed as "a Gallery of world architectures".

Before the found of China in 1949, Shanghai Bund was once the political, financial, business and cultural center of the Western Armies. In the 1845, the old Bund (longer than the present one) became the British Concession so that the British banks were built here at that time. Till the beginning of this century, more and more foreign banks had been built in Shanghai best tours of China. And Shanghai gradually developed into a financial center of China. And recently, some modern style architectures such as the Shanghai World Financial Center..

The western side of the Bund presents the old time and the classical scene of old Shanghai. Every one will be impressed by the western style builds. During the past time, products made of Shanghai were sent to the national areas. So people were proud of using Shanghai products. The eastern side of the Bund presents the fashion and the future of New Shanghai. It is an area summoned international elites and investors to here for their careers.

During the evening, walking along the Bund, the semi-transparent waves tap the thick stones of both banks. I just seem to hear a melody which can let me get rid of the noisy world. In this booming developing city, I see the shining night lamp dots reflecting in the blue river Yangtze River tour, The night view of the Bund now gradually shows for me. The regular night light of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is looked like the charming eyes of an Oriental Goddess. She expresses her passion to the people who are cruising on the Huangpu River. It may be a best time to catch the most beautiful picture of this Shanghai landmark.

The short touch with the breathless night view of the Bund could be memorized by not only the cameras but also my mind. The view can be colorful, comprehensive, imaginative, and even changeable in different times.

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:: برچسب‌ها: china travel ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 198
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 2 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Astride the Yangtze River Yangtze River tour and close to Anhui province's esteemed Yellow Mountain stands the famous Buddhist mountain of Jiuhua. With its cool breezes, flavorful food and religious solemnity, a two-day holiday to this mountain is a perfect retreat for temple and nature lovers.

Jiuhua Mountain stands in Qingyang county in southern Anhui province, 643 kilometers from Shanghai. As one of China's four sacred Buddhist mountains, Jiuhua is also known as "Lotus Flower Buddhist Kingdom" because its nine peaks are similar to the shape of lotus flowers.

It has been the home of Buddhist shrines and temples since the 7th century. There are about 90 temples on the mountain from different historical periods.

Of the 18 scenic spots on the mountain, one of the most tourist-friendly is Jiuhua Street. With hundreds of years of Buddhist influence, temples sit side-by-side shops, schools, homes and restaurants, dispelling the myth that Buddhist monks live in seclusion. This area, while thronging with tourists, is just one part of the tapestry that weaves this mountain community together.

There are many temples along Jiuhua Street, so be sure to buy or bring incense to add a special element to your temple trek. Visitors strolling along the street shouldn't miss the mountain's oldest, holiest temple, Huacheng. While the structure may seem unassuming and uninspiring upon first glance, visitors who take a closer look will see the temple's more artistic and intricate structure and decoration.

Another one of the mountain's historic temples is Baisui affordable China tours, where visitors can see the gold-covered body of the famous monk Wu Xia.

This temple houses one of the biggest mysteries on Jiuhua Mountain. It is said that Wu Xia died at the age of 126 and, after his death, his body was kept in a cave.

Three years later, monks removed the body to find it still preserved. Now, the body is covered with gold power and displayed in the temple, but it may prove a little frightening for some visitors.

But as monks chant scripture and visitors see the piety on believers' faces, one's impressions of the mummy-like monk will surely shift and change, like the incense smoke swirling around it.

Even though the temple may be crowded, the peacefulness and tranquility found inside will make visitors feel as if they're in a secluded sanctuary.

Continuing the temple trek along Jiuhua Street, Zhiyuan Temple top China tours and Roushen Temple are also worth a visit. After a stroll through these temples one will find the smell of incense dissipating and replaced by the commerce of small souvenir shops selling such items as Yunwu tea, handmade bamboo works, wooden knockers and Buddhist prayer beads.

There are many vegetarian restaurants along Jiuhua Street, but the vegetarian meals available in the temples are a more attractive and authentic dining option. The dishes are simple and cooked with bamboo shoots and black mushrooms. The rice is steamed with mountain spring water, giving it a distinctive flavor.

After a day of strolling through the mountain's peaceful temples, visitors should make use of the second day on Jiuhua Mountain to see Tiantai Peak. The peak is known to have some of the best sunrise views in China. So be sure to set the alarm early to make the cable car to the peak before sunrise. Visitors will still need to walk a distance to the top of the peak after getting out of the cable car. But the hike is worth the breathtaking views found at the top.

Sitting on the mountain's peak, visitors wait for the sun to rise, while a golden light shines through the clouds. In the distance, there is chiming of bells from temples far away.

With the cool wafting breeze and the pleasant fragrances of flowers and trees, the chirping of birds, and the views of temples and pagodas in the distance, tourists may feel they've reached heaven as they watch the sun rising above the mountain.

Whether travelers are looking to indulge in their spiritual side or appreciate the views of a breathtaking mountaintop sunrise, they will appreciate a weekend on Anhui's Jiuhua Mountain popular China tour package.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 1 خرداد 1393 | نظرات ()