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Harbin Siberian Tiger Park is located on the northern side of the Songhua River Yangtze River tour and neighbors Sun Island Park. It covers an area of 966,000 square meters. It was first opened to public in 1996 and now there are over 600 tigers in the park.

Altogether 91 Siberian tiger cubs, one of world's most endangered animals, were born in 2012 in the park. It is the largest Siberian tiger breeding and field training center in the world.

The park has been strictly controlling the number of artificially bred Siberian tigers in recent years, Siberian tigers, otherwise known as Amur or Manchurian tigers, mainly live in east Russia, northeast China and northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Some 500 of the animals currently live in the wild, with an estimated 12 in Heilongjiang and eight to 10 in neighboring Jilin Province affordable China tours.

It is also the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world at present. The park enjoys a favorable foundation for ecotourism and splendid scenery and it is an ideal place for holiday and leisure. Visitors can also see white tigers, lions, lynx, leopards, and black pumas as well as Bengali tigers.

The tigers here are trained to get used to a natural environment, so that when the conditions permit, they will be released to mountains and make a living by themselves. It is a large park divided into ten areas, including the young tiger area, the mature tiger area, the king tiger area, a walking area and a platform for viewing the tigers. Unlike common zoos, the Siberian Tiger Park exchanges the roles of visitors and animals. Except in the walking area and the platform for viewing the tigers China Holidays, tourists must take a bus encircled by wire mesh to all the other scenic spots while the tigers roam freely in the fields.

For those not satisfied with merely being a spectator, visitors have the unique opportunity to sentence hapless farm creatures” starting at RMB 50 for a chicken and going up to RMB 1,500 for a cow” to becoming tiger feed. It may seem cruel to the farm animals that are unceremoniously dumped out of a food truck into the middle of 10 insatiable Siberian tigers but it certainly makes the tigers very happy and adds quite a bit of excitement to the tour.

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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 29 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Numerous ancient towns lie scattered around Guangzhou, offering a window into the province's rich cultural heritage and illustrious past. Shawan Ancient Town affordable China tours in Panyu District is one such town. Built over 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty, Shawan has long enjoyed a reputation for being one of the most culturally rich towns in the region. The town boasts over 100 ancient shrines and is lined by beautiful, preserved ancient buildings. Just a subway ride and bus hop away from the city, a visit to Shawan is an idyllic and culturally rewarding way to spend a day away from the city.

Why is Shawan reputed for its culture? For one, many of China's most famous opera singers, dragon and lion dancers, sculptors and musicians originate from Shawan, and the town is lauded as the birthplace of Canton Opera. Shawan has managed to preserve a large number of clay, wood and stone sculptures as well as ancient murals and other Lingnan-style relics.

Even its cuisine is famous throughout the region, especially such specialties as "ginger buried milk" and the mooncake-like pastry "Dongyong Dabing". Another reason is the fact that Shawan puts on colourful parades and traditional events whenever an important festival comes along, transforming the usually quiet town into a buzzing cultural center that pays homage to China's traditional folk and arts.

Main attractions and sights in Shawan Ancient Town

1) Liugeng Ancestral Hall

Liugeng Hall is located in the northern part of the village China Holidays and is one of the most famous ancestral halls in the town. Built in 1275 during the Yuan Dynasty, the original building was destroyed only to be rebuilt in the year 1700 over the course of 17 years during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The building occupies 3334.25 square meters and is an exemplary example of the ancient science of Fengshui with a hall of worship, a drum tower and east-west verandas.

2) Wenfeng Pagoda

Wenfeng Pagoda can be found in the Guan Alley of the northern village. Built in 1721, this site was once the highlight of the ancient attracting superstitious academics and children from near and far who flocked here in droves to worship the statues inside. The pagoda itself has three stories and six corners.

3) He Binglin Memorial Hall (Yanqing Hall)

This memorial hall on Anning Middle Street, which was built during the Jiaqing years of the Qing Dynasty, was originally dedicated to Ho Chi-Ming and his ancestors. However, that honor later went to He Binglin, a 24th generation grandchild of the Shawan He minority, who was a renowned chemist and educator and the first person in China to successfully carry out a test explosion of an atomic bomb. He is acknowledged as the pioneer who kick-started China's ion resin industry and is nicknamed "the father of ion exchange resin".

Where and what to eat at Shawan Ancient Village

As briefly mentioned above, Shawan has a number of famous specialties that are well worth trying while you're here. Ginger buried milk is a sweet snack with over 100 years history and is made by mixing milk with ginger juice and then beating it until it reaches a consistency similar to scrambled eggs. Another must-try snack is double-layer milk, a dairy-product with a custard like consistency made by boiling and steaming eggs and milk. Finally, Dongyong Dabing What & Where to buy in China is a round, sweet pastry that looks quite similar to a mooncake and is traditionally eaten during weddings, Chinese New Year and other festive occasions. Below are a number of notable restaurants in the town.

11. The village is alive

Surrounded by mountains, Zhujiayu is a rustic holiday destination with buildings dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. Ju Chuanjiang and Wang Qian visit the village and are charmed by the unpolished gem.

Zhujiayu, a 600-year-old mountainous village in Zhangqiu, Shandong province, is a good place for some tranquility and to get in touch with nature. Lying in a valley surrounded by green mountains, Zhujiayu was rated as one of the 24 Famous Chinese Historical and Cultural Villages in 2005 by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. The village is about one-hour drive from capital Jinan. With a population of only 2,000 even in its prime time, the isolated rural village is renowned for the preservation of its historical buildings dating to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).

Zhujiayu is divided into old and new village, which is encircled by a huge ancient wall built with vast rocks.

As we enter into the old village through an arched doorway, numerous traditional buildings greet us against the pleasant scenery of the background mountains. Walking through the thoroughfare feels as though we are back in ancient times.

Because of the local geology, the buildings in the old village are mostly built from stones and rocks from its nearby mountains.

There are about 300 residential houses, temples, pavilions, bridges and courtyards from the Ming and Qing dynasties perched on mountainside, surrounded by endless forests, fields coated with blooming flowers.

Most buildings are only one or two stories high. Although some of houses look shabby and the paint has faded, visitors can still feel the village's former glory from the exquisite carvings on the windows and roofs.

Rivers Yangtze River tour and creeks flow down from the surrounding mountains, winding through the whole village. Owing to this, more than 90 quaint stone bridges have been built during the past centuries, each with different design and style.

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تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 19 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

It has a history of more than 1,300 years. Lhasa ("the sacred place") has an abundance of sunshine; hence its reputation as the Solar City. It is a center of politics, economy, transport, and religious activities. There are many places of interest in Lhasa, such as the Potala Palace, Sera Monastery, and the Jokhang Monastery. Lhasa's original appearance and traditional lifestyle are largely intact at Barhkor Street in the old part of Lhasa, where all sorts of arts and crafts are on sale. Flights leave on a regular basis from Lhasa to Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing last minute China travel deals , Xi'an and Kathmandu. The Qinghai-Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet highways are the main routes to the region.

The Tibet Autonomous Region is known by many as the "Roof of the World" due to its elevation of over 13 thousand feet above sea level. Tibet is a charming place to visit, with its beautiful landscapes, brilliant culture, and mysterious folklore. Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is located along the banks of the Lhasa River, a tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo River Yangtze River tour.

Potala Palace
Potala Palace, the most famous building in the region, was built in the 640's during the reign of King Songtsan Gampo and is located on "Red Hill" to the west of old Lhasa. The 13-storied palace stands 383 feet high and has over 1000 rooms with an area of 101 acres. The entire building is made of stone and wood, with walls averaging 10 feet thick. Potala Palace is a renowned complex of Chinese palatial architecture and a crystallization of classical Tibetan architecture, and it deserves its position as part and parcel of the world's cultural heritage.

Jokhang Monastery
The Jokhang Monastery, located in the center of old Lhasa, was built in the year 647 and is significant because it is the earliest wood and masonry structure still in existence in Tibet. The Jokhang is the spiritual center of Tibet Tibet Tours and the holiest destination for all Tibetan Buddhist pilgrims. It is said the site was chosen personally by the wife of King Songtsan Gampo, the Tang Princess Wen Cheng. It was built by craftsmen from Tibet, China and Nepal and thus features various architectural styles. The inscribed tablets, as well as the willow trees planted in the year 823, by Princess Wencheng's burial site in front of the monastery are historical evidence of the union of the Han and Tibetan people over the centuries.

Norpulingkha Garden
Norpulingkha ("garden of treasures") is situated in the western suburbs of Lhasa. It was the site of the first Dalai Lama's summer palace. From the mid 18th century onwards, each successive Dalai Lama moved to the park during the summer season, and carried out all their religious and political affairs from there.
Barkhor Street
The traditional lifestyle and appearance of Lhasa's Old City Holidays in China district are well represented in Barkbor Street. The Barkhor is found in the heart of Lhasa encircling the Jokhang Temple. It means a "pilgrim's inner circuit." Pilgrims turn their prayer wheels on the street and visitors can get anything and everything Tibetan they could hope for.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 17 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

A FULL HOUR BEFORE DAYLIGHT, desperate to escape the pre-dawn chill, I dart inside a darkened teahouse, but only for a moment.

Soon, I'm back outside, braving the cold, drawn by a cascade of animal calls last minute China travel deals. Eyes wide, hands wrapped for warmth around my cup, I slip into a corner table outside the teahouse, fearful not to miss a minute of the morning's magic.

Sure enough, I've barely settled, cross-legged on a woven mat, before an enormous flock of sheep sweep past, followed by carts laden with cages of birds of every description.

The squawking and clouds of feathers still hover in the air when even better entertainment appears: a pair of elderly, toothless gents prying back the lips of a camel, examining the local transport with all the zeal of potential used car buyers kicking the proverbial tires.

Already the wee hours resound with the arresting aroma of mutton and agitated reverberation of the weekly arguing.

Fridays and Saturdays may be peaceful prayer days in Kashgar, mesmerizing Muslim city at the westernmost frontier of China. Still, Sundays are nearly as sacred in this Middle Eastern-flavored crossroads that is much closer to Pakistan, India and Iran than Beijing .

Sundays, you see, are market days. Just not the buy-it and bag-it variety. China shopping, like practically everything in Kashgar, is an ancient art form in which no transaction transpires quickly.

Haggling is spirited and can consume an entire day. And involve the entire community, which religiously gathers every week, along with thousands of visitors, for the famed Sunday market, Xingiri Shichang in Chinese, but better known as Yekshenba Bazaar to local Uighurs.

Hence, after tea-break, I'm dodging sheep as I slither around multi-story stacks of socks, scissors and shawls. And vats of fluorescent-hued spices and carts overflowing with the frisbee-sized flat-breads that are, to Kashgar, what rice is to the rest of China.

From fluffy sheepskin hats to rugged camel-hide boots, not to mention beads, buttons and buckets of local lard, everything - including plenty of kitchen sinks - is for sale at ths fairytale bazaar, a veritable Market At the End of Earth abounding with more special effects than George Lucas could dream up.

And more than mere marketplace, Kashgar's amazing bazaar is an anything-goes civic center where you can have your hair cut, watch a boxing exhibition, even test-drive a donkey or horse.

For centuries it has been so at this desert oasis China travel service, a last-chance outfitting station along the fabled Silk Road, mankind's first superhighway, connecting the world's two great empires, Rome and China, two thousand years ago.

Back then, camel caravans laden with Chinese silk, spice and porcelain, would stagger into Kashgar after the perilous crossing of the Taklamakan Desert - whose name says it all. The nearest translation: Those Going In Never Return.

Yet it was hardly smooth sailing further westward, with more than 4,000 rugged meters to ascend through treacherous mountain passes on the trail to India or Pakistan, and the hungry European markets beyond.

No wonder many weary traders lingered in this last bastion of civilization. Some stayed, opened shops, prospered and carved a marvelous metropolis from sand and rock.
Just as much as the stunning scenery - desert dunes roll right to the base of snow-capped mountains - it's the people of the region who give Kashgar China Holidays its color.

Tribes from nearby mountain villages - Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Uzbeks - long ago blended with Arab traders, Russian adventurers and Hun warriors in a melting pot that bubbled over a Wild West boomtown too distant for the dictates of faraway emperors.

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 10 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

The construction of the Famen Temple China tour deals,located in Fufeng County,began during the Eastern Han Dynasty(25—220 AD),when Buddhism was first introduced into China.Legend has it that,when Sakyamuni achieved nirvana,he was transformed from human being into 84,000 sarira relics dispersed a11 over the world.King Asoka of India built 84,000 pagodas during his reign, including l9 in China,one of which was the Famen Temple Pagoda.The temple was built because of the pagoda's existence and it also became famous because of the pagoda.This accounts for its original name of Asoka Pagoda.The name of the temple was later changed to "Famen Temple" by the first Tang Emperor Gaozu(Li Yuan).

The Famen Temp had languished silent and overgrown for many years.It was not until the Tang Dynasty when Buddhism enjoyed full support from the court that the temple began to flourish.When Emperor Taizong(Li Shimin)came to the throne.the Famen Temple rose from obscurity to the status of an imperial temple,ranking first in scale,status and number of monks.The Famen Temple enjoyed a11 the benefits of wealth and power as well as great fame throughout the 300一year—long history of the Tang Dynasty.

The temple is composed of the surface part and the underground part.The surface buildings have experienced many ups and downs.The temple China travel service reached its heyday in the Tang;there were 24 major halls with multi—storied pavilions whose eaves almost touched one another.It was lofty in stature and grand in scale,second to none but the imperial court.The temple attracted many worshippers and pilgrims:common people,seeking spiritual comfort,would burn intense,draw lots,pray and redeem their vows to the Buddha,while the literati,seeking the harmony of nature and man, would discuss the classics to the sound of bells and drums,purifying both the mind and body.The famous Tang poets Li Bai and Bai Juyi both Visited the temple and left a great many oft—quoted poems about this place.

The underground part or underground palace of the temple China Holidays.boasts numbers of national treasures,including relics of Sakyamuni’s finger bones.The quantity,variety and quality of the treasures are unequalled.The underground palace was found by chance.In August 1981,many days of heavy rain fell in central Shaanxi,loosening the soil as it soaked into the ground Due to the rain and subsequent flooding,the pagoda’s foundation subsided and cracked,and the pagoda bent visibly.One day,more than half of the pagoda collapsed with a mighty crash.Buddhist images enshrined inside were dislodged and fell one after the other,and sutra scrolls scattered in every direction.It was not until 1987 that the pagoda was reconstructed.This splendid underground palace was discovered when the workers were cleaning up the foundations.

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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 7 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

The mausoleum of yellow emperor stands at the top of Mt. Qiao Shan, north of the Huang Ling County of Shaan Xi province seat. The mausoleum of yellow emperor, ancient time called Qiao Ling where make offer sacrifices by emperors of later dynasties. The scenic spot of the China tour deals mausoleum of yellow emperor is 3.3 square kilometers, and divide into the mausoleum zone and Xuan Yuan temple. There plant over 60000 old cypresses, which are over thousand years of tree age among 30000. The southfacing mausoleum of yellow emperor located on the top of Qiao Shan, the tomb is 4 meters high, about 50 meters in circumference. Along the stone corridor of side tree is a stele with the inscription: "Both civil officials and military officers must demount from here." In front of the tomb there is a plantform with a stele, on which is inscribed "Han Wu Xian Tai" (Han Wu Praying Pavilion). In front of the tomb there is a memorial pavilion with a huge stone stele, on which is carved calligraphy.Behind the pavilion another stele is inscribed with four characters "Qiaoshan Long Yu" .

Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, tomb of the ancestor of the Chinese nation, is on top of the Qiaoshan Mountain in Huangling County of Shaanxi Province China travel service. In March 1961 it was included by the State Council into the first batch of relics under special protection of the central government. Its "No.1" grave is known as "the greatest mausoleum in the world". In June 1997 it was designated by the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of CPC as "a model base for education in patriotism". In may 2002 it was identified by the State Council as "a key scenic spot and historical site". In December 2002 it was rated by the State Bureau of Tourism as "a state 4 A tour destination".

Selections from Records of the Historian states: "Huangdi (Yellow Emperor)" has passed away and is buried on the Qiaoshan Mountain ." The Qiaoshan, 103.8 hectares in area, is covered tall and luxuriant cypress trees. Of the 80,000-odd cypresses, more than 30,000 are over 1,000 years old. The mausoleum used to be named after the Mountain — Qiao Mausoleum. In May 1958 the famous scholar Guo Moruo wrote the 3 Chinese characters of "Huangdi Mausoleum" in accordance with Mao Zedong's wish. The name has been used ever since.

On July 23, 1933 , Program for Renovation of the Yellow Emperor Mausoleum was promulgated and the first and second phases of the large renovation project Holidays in China were implemented.

The first phase, involving a total investment of 87 million RMB yuan, started on August 25, 1992 and it was by and large completed by the end of 1997. The cornerstone-laying ceremony of the second phase was held on the Clear & Bright Day (a tomb-sweeping day) of 2002. It started on January 8, 2003 , mainly including the temple zone, the altar for donators and the follow-up project of fire-control for cypresses.

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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 6 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : Rose

Locals in Xi'an affordable China travel packages are working to preserve the art of ancient Tang Dynasty court music. Dating back to the seventh century, this music is said to be comparable to Europe's Gregorian chants in age, which are "commonly described as the earliest written music".

Li Kai, a Xi'an local who leads a Tang Dynasty music performance group, is helping to keep the aural memories of this musical era alive. Judging from the dwindling numbers of such Tang Dynasty music ensembles (from 40 in 1950 to just 12 today!), his job is crucial.

During the Tang Dynasty, Xi'an was China's largest city and a mecca for foreign influences. Tang Dynasty music is said to have a tinge of Western musical conventions. However, the music is still distinctly Chinese, with roots in Confucian ideals of harmony:

Li says that the Tang Dynasty adhered to the Confucian idea China travel service that music's highest function was as a tool of moral education and socialization. It taught people to respect authority and hierarchy, and to cultivate a spirit of composure and moderation. That means that everyone in the orchestra played the same note at the same time.

"Music emphasized harmony," Li says. "The myriad sounds were united as one. This united sound was used to promote the emperor's authority. So while each person played a different instrument and had a different role in society China shopping, they all acted according to the same standards and rules."

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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 4 آذر 1393 | نظرات ()